Seize the moment. How many times have we heard that in our lives? Live today, you are never promised tomorrow. For some of us, we have lived that reality through the loss of someone we love. We know first hand that today is a gift. But that is not what is on my mind today. Today it is much smaller. It is about those little things. Those little things you have been putting off for years. Like dancing in the rain, traveling to some place exotic, or as simple as stopping everything to play with your little one. You see, sometimes, I think those simple little things lead to big things. What if I had never picked up my camera? That one little thing could have changed everything that I know and love today. So I humbly ask you, what are you waiting for? What is that little thing that you are going to finally do?
And before you talk yourself out of it yet again…a picture for you.
I am sure you are wondering what on earth it is. This my friends, is the very place where this was taken:
Just a day after my shoot with Jackson the field was harvested. When I saw the field I gasped. I was surpised by how hard it hit me. How important it is to follow your heart right when it is speaking. Do not wait until tomorrow. The beauty of it may be gone.
As I leave you. I ask again, what is your little thing to do today?
It could change everything.
Until Soon,