I heard this song a few weeks ago and immediately I thought of you. My clients. The words couldn’t ring more true to how I feel. I love being included in your lives. I love when my phone rings to let me know one of our babies have arrived. I love when I watch those babies grow right before my eyes. I love it when a Mommy cries when she looks at her pictures from her FIFTH session with me. I love it when I get warm fuzzies when your image pops up on my screen for the first time. I love all of it. I love you.
What I don’t love however are good-byes. And well this year is going to be full of them! Our family is scheduled to move in just nine months. With that, the studio gets to move once again too. So as I prepare for our big move, I sing this song to you. Happy that I get to be together with you, even if it is for just a few more months. I also know that it is indeed a very small world. So no good-bye has to be forever.
For now a tribute to every client that I have spent time with in Germany…thank you for your love.
Going through those pictures brought so many smiles to my face.
I should note that I booked 8 people just today! Yes, today. I am currently booking through August. So if you would like to see me before I go, please let me know right away. I will only have a limited amount of sessions. And as much as I love to say yes…moving is just busy enough that once I am full, well I am going to have to be tough and say no! It is only fair to you and my sanity!
Until Soon,