Once Upon a Sunny Day

There were two boys that loved to play…it is Dr. Seuss’ birthday today so I coulnd’t help myself to a little rhyming. You can stop teaching but the teacher inside, never leaves you! This was a great session. I find that I click with moms of boys so quickly. We just have so much in common. This particular Mom and I could talk for hours…but that is for another day! This day was all about her boys. She wanted a session with a senior spin but also some time with the boys together. I was so excited to do just that. I love the brotherly interaction shots and this guy, well he sure knows how to bring the ‘look’. You will see!

p3 flash gal placeholder :slideshow placeholder 1000223257 :I think this is my favorite though:

Brothers8 :

It tells such a story to me. It did to his Momma too, so it must be a Mom thing!

Thanks for a wonderful session! And for making me feel warm, even though it was a jumping up and down cold kind of day!

Until Soon,


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