family story



2020 07 20 0001 : family storyteller session

You guys!!!! This was the sweetest family storyteller session and I was not even prepared to meet the cutest little addition to the Rawal family! There is no way to even tell you how much I love her! We were scheduled for an at home newborn session way back when and then the Corona Virus […]


2020 08 06 0028 : family storyteller session

I love this family so much! Kourtney knows me so well. When we decided that we were feeling beachy for this session she apologized ahead of time! She went on to apologize for the bright and colorful clothing that she was going to dress everyone in! We both laughed so much, she knows that I […]


2020 08 06 0060 : family storyteller session

When Tiffany and I were texting she let me know that little E had lost his front tooth! How cute is that? She mentioned wanting to capture his little smile before our fall session later this year. That’s when it hit me! Summer is in full swing and it is hot, hot, hot! Let’s get […]


2020 07 01 0020 : family storyteller session

As our world gets crazier by the day right now it felt so good to slide the straps over my shoulders loaded with my gear. What once felt heavy now feels familiar and something I realized that I missed. Even more I looked over and got to see Tyler doing the same. I have loved […]


Day 16 BW 1 : family storyteller session

There is a buzz here all around the studio. We are anxiously awaiting a new little client. You would think we were the ones expecting, we like to think we are! You know that moment that you meet your first little one for the very first time and you cannot imagine ever loving anyone more? […]


2020 07 01 0057 : family storyteller session

It is time to make the travel schedule for 2020!!!! Tell me, where do you want me to come and photograph your family this year? P.S. Can you believe this is BABY JACK? He will be TEN this year!!!! Just another reminder of why it is so important to capture our little loves before they […]

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