Their age difference has really torn at me lately. I am not sure why, except they could both benefit from some friends their age.
These moves have been hard on Jonathen. We have many talks about how we miss his friends in Germany. In Germany I remember the talks about how much we missed our friends in Okinawa. It seems like we spend more time missing friends than having them.
Where we live is good for many reasons, but for kids Jonathen’s age with similar interests, it has proven to be a dud. I find myself tearing up at the thought and watching each moving van meticulously, hoping a friend will move in just for him.
It has me wondering what else I can do. Lately I have been thinking a dog might be a good friend that moves along with us. But that is a whole other kind of commitment and so I pause for a second to think on that one.
There has to be an answer, there has to be a reason. In time, maybe we will learn this is what helped him become who he needs to be. For now, it just breaks my heart a little. The only part that makes me breathe a little easier is how much he enjoys his friends at school.
With that I have been working on my pick up lines. Ways to ask Mom’s for their numbers so we can connect the dots for the boys. So far, I have a few in my little black book. So there is hope.
There are mommy moments when the world seems to all line up. This morning was one of those. Jonathen was happily builiding with his snap circuits and Jackson was looking on while playing with his zoo animals. They were both happy and sharing smiles and in those moments I felt so happy for us. Age difference or not, there is a whole lot of love in this house.