Bugs and Slugs…

Hello my Friends…I am happy to report I am back! Phew. My family and I got hit with THE flu bug and it took us all for a ride of a lifetime!

We were all up early and really eager to start our day back to real life today. That rarely happens but I think we are all a bit more appreciative of ‘healthy’ daily life now! 

Those of you who are reading and live here locally know that our weather has been amazingly unpredictable. Kids going to school, coming home early, not going…for any parent around here it has been hard to know which way is up or down! All of that uncertanity and living my last few weeks of pregnancy made me feel like I was living life at the pace of a slug!!

I think though, I have hit my second wind! I am ready for these last few weeks of pregnancy and even have some much needed energy! I am looking forward to several great clients in the upcoming weeks and will be anxious to share them with you too! I have a few great interviews planned to inspire you and lots of pictures and postings.

So today I leave you with a sneak peek of a CUTIE PIE! He is sure to bring a smile to your Monday!

Cutie Pie

More of this little guy tomorrow!

Until Soon,


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