my story



the bus stops here aug 10sm :

Today I signed Jackson up for pre-school. As I was driving away I could barely believe it. I found a great co-op preschool that is tucked into a quiet little corner. They are so willing to work with Jack and with me and truly the entire program is a blessing. Fingers are crossed that just […]


the summer of forts aug9 :

Last night he asked if he could turn the entire living room into a fort and sleep there. He has had more fun building and creating this year. He loves most to create forts that Jackson can enjoy with him or that challenge Jackson to climb and do things Jonathen has to help him with. […]


double sleep over aug8 :

As a military kid friends are hard to come by. Especially friends that share your interests and even more importantly your eleven year old boy humor!! Jonathen seems to have found just that, at last. They were so excited to have a two night sleep over…but boy were they tired when all the fun was […]


cleanest teeth aug 7 :

Jackson runs into my bathroom, opens the drawers and pulls out all the toothbrushes, then he turns and runs as fast as his little feet will carry him. It is a sight that makes me giggle almost every day and one that makes me thankful that we are a very ‘close’ family!


pool time aug6 sm :

I am not sure if he knows it yet, but this has been a big summer. He has taught himself to swim, after years of hesitation. We have spent almost every day at the pool and watching him get stronger and stronger makes my heart sing.


too much time aug5 :

This makes me laugh and sigh all at once. It has been a summer of brother bonding. Yet, with an age difference of 10 years, in order to bond, something has to give. And well, Jonathen has done just that! A little regression caught on film! In his sweet defense, we are working on teaching […]

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