my story



belly button may 19 sm :

I never want to forget this moment.This morning, for the first time ever, Jackson and I shared a very collaborative learning moment. Typically I share all the information and I get smiles and hugs in return but this morning, Jackson pointed, repeated, and mimicked everything I did. He even found a new friend, the belly […]


cozy on the couch may18 sm :

We all love our new quilt from Grandma Linda, but I think Jonathen has claimed it most. I have folded and refolded this blanket so many time because every time Jonathen finds his way to the couch he grabs it and cuddles up under it! I wouldn’t have it any other way. My favorite part […]


pajama mama may17 :

It’s five o’clock and as I tried to think of what our moment of today was going to be, I glanced down and smiled. Yep, still in my pajamas. The smile came in part to the conversation I had yesterday on skype with my friend Kim, she joked that she wasn’t sure if she knew […]


four twenty three may16 :

I was breathing in the warm breeze while watching Jackson contently play with a bowl of water and a few sand toys when Jonathen walked over to ask to go to a friends house to play. That was us at 4:23 p.m. today.


his freckles may15 :

When we were talking about his day at school, I couldn’t take my eyes off of him. His little freckles are back after a long winters rest and they brought such a smile to my face. I love his freckles, each and every one.


little moments sm :

I was in the other room giving Matt a haircut when I walked around the corner to this sweet moment. It stole my heart instantly. I loved how Jackson had his arm on Jonathen’s back and his other in his pocket. I love how relaxed Jonathen is in this moment just taking it all in. […]

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