my story



the smiles mar 291 :

It is an amazing feeling to share the smiles and love my boys can bring. To be a part of that, to be on this side of seeing my Mom and Dad smile, is touching. This picture showed me that in a way I had never even thought about before and for that I am […]


our honey is home mar 27 :

My Dad grabbed my camera tonight and caught this candid moment. I am so thankful. Matt and I cuddled and the boys being silly with the happiness that Daddy is home. We can check off our first deployment since returning to the states and it feels good. I learned much about myself and now I […]


the light mar26 :

We have been waiting for the last piece of the settled puzzle. Waiting for our four bedroom home to be available. As much as I would like to say this waiting has been filled with peace and comfort, it has been nothing of the sort. I have felt so anxious. Mostly because I did not […]


paper airplanes mar25 :

This morning while I was talking with Tyler on skype, Jonathen and Papa Mark were busy learning to make the coolest paper airplanes. They checked youtube videos and created a few different planes. They flew them all through the house. The best part was seeing how excited both of their faces were. I love these […]


dinner and a movie mar24 :

The best part of living in the states so far has been the company. We have had a houseful of guests pretty much non-stop. It is also great to live just a few hours from where my Dad trains. For years my parents have been traveling to MD and this time I get to see […]


all about the lips mar 23 :

After a late night (kids werent asleep until almost 10, that almost NEVER happens in this house) coupled with an early morning, and I was feeling oh so sleepy. Wanting to just crawl back under the covers and get a few more hours of me time. The sun was shining in the windows and as […]

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