my story



the look mar10 :

There were so many great shots today. But this one, this one stole my heart. It is because I caught the look that you give each other when your kids are so thrilled with something, when you glance over to say, can you believe this?? In all of the world, this is my favorite look. […]


jacksons playdate mar 9 :

Jackson giggled and giggled while playing with his new little friend. The bug did circles and flew onto his arm and he thought it was the best thing ever. He brought the bug to check out Jonathen’s bike and even tried to give him a ride. It was pretty fun to watch, well until he […]


mustache march mar8 :

Sometimes you have to look past ALL vanity and just know when something makes you giggle its worth it. And this, a year from now, I just know will make me laugh. Grandma and Grandpa got Jonathen a pack of fake mustaches and we all had to give it a try. I got one shot […]


come on in mar 7 :

It has become apparent that when we have guests, we are really proud of our swings! Every time someone comes I end up shooting pictures on these swings! I have to say there is not much more going on in the neighborhood, so its not the worst thing! We are so excited to have Grandma […]


fort jackson march6 :

One of my favorite moments today. Jackson LOVES forts and that is a good thing, as Tyler said last week, Matt is the best fort builder. Tonight, a simple one, but it brought out all the smiles.


yummy sun mar 5 :

When Jackson loves a food or wants to eat something he really likes he will rub his little tummy up and down and say ummmmm. This week he has started doing that sign for toys he likes too. He will bring over a favorite toy, hand it to me, and say ummmmm with a smile […]

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