my story



snapshot0 :

Eighteen years. For eighteen years I have been a mother. That little number hit this girl right in the heart. On year number 17 and 364 days, I decided to look through some old photos. Just little snap shots that are all boxed up from the moves. As I was looking for the box, I […]


In January, I was out with my family and I saw this little speck of land and fell in love. You would never suspect where this is. It is currently behind a construction zone.  I had been waiting for a nice day and 23 days later it had finally arrived! All that waiting and then […]


I heard this song a few weeks ago and immediately I thought of you. My clients. The words couldn’t ring more true to how I feel. I love being included in your lives. I love when my phone rings to let me know one of our babies have arrived. I love when I watch those […]


Cass Blog :

Cassandra! I am so excited to introduce you to my new office assistant Cassandra! She is a doll! She helps me with everything behind the scenes to keep this place running nice and smooth! So the next time you get a call from the studio it may just be Cassandra on the other end!  See that […]


plagio :

This is about to get pretty personal. But I feel compelled to share our journey in order to raise awareness about this little known condition. Jackson was born just like his Momma. With a love for sleep. When he was itty bitty I felt that I had found reprieve at last. A baby that loved […]


Field :

Seize the moment. How many times have we heard that in our lives? Live today, you are never promised tomorrow. For some of us, we have lived that reality through the loss of someone we love. We know first hand that today is a gift. But that is not what is on my mind today. […]

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