first day of summer

first day of summer june 18 :

It is our first day of summer break. I am so excited for what this summer will hold for Jonathen. Each year I have a list of what we will accomplish through our special time together. This year is no different. It is like a new start, fresh and full of possiblity.

Last year was the summer of empowerment. This year, I am going to name it the summer of belief. Belief as defined: a state or habit of mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some person or thing. Only instead of some person or thing, I want it to be in himself. To know how to push beyond his strengths and weaknesses and how to believe past his fears.

I love how this common goal defines our summer. It is still full of fun and all the summer time activities but with a purpose. I only get a few more summers until he is off into this world. I want to make my time with him count and create life long lessons that will carry him. So this is my little summer dream, to help him believe.

I always tell my boys, dream, believe, be. Knowing how to believe is a very important step, without it your dream can never be.

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