I got all settled on the plane, opened my book and had the biggest exhale. An exhale that I believe I had been holding since Jack was born. The one you don’t even realize you have been holding so tightly because you are so use to the busy. I spent my time reading. I could not believe how fast the pages turned. It was such a nice time to let go. Then my eyes started to drift to the freckles on my leg. It made me smile because I remember those freckles, they have been there since I was little. I used to draw lines and make imaginary shapes with them. Then I saw the lines on my hands…those strong lines on my palm that have always been there. I felt a huge sense of connection between me and well, me. The me before I had a house full of boys and the one I love now. In that split second I could see all the connections…all the why in the wonder of my life, seeing that it all leads to what is next.