I hear that it is normal. I read that it is normal. I get somewhere inside that it is normal. But to witness my little guy in just over a year go from the healthiest baby on the block eating every vegetable and fruit and pretty much anything he can get his hands on to a toddler that will only eat three or four things is a blow to the mind. I spend every day brainstorming and trying to figure out how I am going to get him to eat something. The kicker is that if one thing works one day, he will gently push it away the next. There are a few things that always hold. carrot, apple, banana muffins, yogurt, and homemade spinach pizza oh and taco rice, the ONLY meat he will eat. I am tired. I know that sounds silly but this class in picky eating toddlers is kicking my behind. I know I could just make the staples that he will eat and not give it another thought, and that is tempting, but then I feel that he will never learn to like new things…what if I am just one meal away from discovering a new favrotie? You see, that is why I am so tired. So tired that I borrowed this picture from yesterday.