super boy sunday

super boy sunday feb 5 2 :

Even to me it looks posed, staged. But it is not. You see, there was a time not long ago, that I couldn’t have even bribed Jonathen to climb on top of the outside of a slide. Especially at the height he choose to do so today. He is my careful one. Often called the ‘rules police’ and often keeping us all in line. It is a relaxed personality to raise. I like that he is pushing himself. Not in crazy rebellious ways but in quiet and safe ways. It is as if I can see him growing up right before my eyes. I caught this without him knowing. I LOVE his hand in his pocket, probably only because it was freezing out, but it shows me a sense of confidence. Now, if I could just know what he was thinking. How I love a little super boy on a Sunday, pushing past his comfort zone and building confidence in his abilities. Sigh

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