I just dropped Meredith off at the airport and had to sneak away to look through the pictures she snapped while she was here. I remember talking with her before the shoot and saying I want us, in my bed, being us. Well, while she would giggle with me at us being us and what it takes to get us to be us, this is SO us. Jonathen is in tuned and inquisitive with the world, wanting to take it all in. I am lost in the feeling, the thought of it all. Matt is sweetly comfortable in his skin and with us, and Jackson is mesmorized by life, by life I mean the technology that is in life, namely the tv (yes we had to cheat for a minute). This one snapshot of our lives captures who we are and who we are in it. Matt came up as I was editing this and I was sharing my love for this picture. How it is so sweet to my heart but how sad it was for me not to have Tyler in it. He gently explained this is us, this is us right now. It is okay. We want our boys to grow and move on to create their own lives. As I finished up the edit I thought, one day it will be back to just the two of us and he is so right. I have to celebrate us right now. I couldn’t have done that without my inspirational, joy delivering friend, Meredith. What a weekend. Deep inhale to soak it all in.