fast friends

fast friends june8 :

This picture brings a huge smile to my face for so many reasons. This picture is over 20 years in the making. Little Milo is the son of a dear childhood friend.

We both announced we were pregnant about the same time and it was so fun, even across the miles, to share our pregnancies and the first years of the boys lives together.

So today, getting to wrap my arms around her, brings tears to my eyes just thinking of it. It was such a joyous moment. Then to see our boys play together and to hear little Milo asking for Jackson, and watching them run around, it just felt so right. Like for a second everything lined up.

Glancing over at this picture as I type and I have to giggle at their little hats…both dressed almost the same.

We shared so many stories, so many smiles. I feel so blessed. Today was a true gift.

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