She said she wanted to spend as many ‘Nani’ minutes as she could today. She even walked over 3 miles with me in the name of Nani time. There are not enough words to describe the love I have for this girl. My girl.
She says the sweetest things. Today when we were walking in the woods she asked me if I ever look up. I let her know that most of the time I am looking down or at my kids as I walk. At that moment we both looked up. It was a beautiful scene. The blue sky, the pine tress, all while our feet crinkled in the woods. What she said next brought tears to my eyes. She told me the next time I miss her to just look up and I will feel better. All I could do was wrap my arm around her because my eyes were full of tears and I was too choked up to say a word.
I have a feeling I will be spending many days looking up.