It was that closet. The closet when you move that gets all the loose ends. It was a disaster. Only Lorna would see such a mess and say “I will help you”. So we did. Oh my goodness, FIVE AND HALF HOURS LATER we finally were finished.
Now I can move. It was my only dirty secret. PHEW. Thankful for a friend like Lorna. A friend that kept pushing me through even when I was ready to give up. Love her and love Isa that helped keep us company the whole time too.
Now I cant mention a closet without talking about how crazy my friend Lorna is about organization! I was laughing and swear she alphabitized my clothes and color coded them….and hung them all on the hangers facing the same way and the right side out. That my friends cracks this girl up. To me, if the laundy is clean and hung up someplace, that is good enough! That quirky part of Lorna is one of the things I love most.