blog 10 :

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There was a little ball of fun at this session with the cutest curls, I bet you cannot guess who it is! She was a riot and the best part were how great her big sisters were in celebrating her fun! They were quick to jump in and laugh with all of us as we […]

curls and big girl smiles

family story

38 365 blog :

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And the wise Jack says, “magazines are old people comics.” Some days he is wise beyond all of our years.


my story

37 365 blog :

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We had to wait all day for everyone to be home at the same time. We wanted to wish you a special happy birthday even though you are all the way across the ocean. The light was fading, everyone was hungry, Jack wanted down, it was complete birthday chaos. But do you know one thing? […]

birthday chaos

my story

36 365 blog :

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It doesn’t take much lately for you two to hang out. Jack loves to watch you build in minecraft. You are sweet enough to include him in making choices and me, I just soak it all up. Because this is what our family is all about, enjoying those little moments when age doesn’t even matter.

little moments

my story

35 365 journal :

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Oh my Jack! There is not much that you will eat these days. You used to eat everything I offered. Since then you have eliminated every single food until now we just have a handful. I hope and pray this will get easier for you! You want to eat it, like tonight we were having […]

my cookie monster

my story

34 365 sm :

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The snow was coming down and coming down fast. Two inches an hour and so what did we do? We bundled up and headed to our favorite hiking spot. It was cool to see something so familiar look completely different. Completely transformed. Later I asked you jackson where the moss and the sand and the […]

snow day

my story

There is something about the way they look at you or that little giggle that gets you every time. That moment that tugs a little harder on your heartstrings. The moment that you tell yourself you are never going to forget. As a mother, I find refuge in the natural images of my children, images that bring me right back to that smile, giggle or moment. 

Those images grow stronger as the years pass. At the moment the photo is taken I see it as it was. Years later and I am transported back to the moment and I feel like I can be right there again. I can even hear that little giggle that goes along with that look. To me that is the strongest investment I can make; being able to freeze time and return to it anytime I want. 

I personally created Serena Nicole Studios with a mother's wish in mind. I wanted a custom photography experience to capture all of those natural looks, smiles and giggle that will transport YOU in time. Looks that are carefully crafted by a fluid and natural portrait experience that is child centered. My photographic style is very tender to encourage every one to feel comfortable so they can show me their style all their own. 

I see your family as I would want to capture mine. Those looks between a mother and child, a finger wrapped tightly around yours. Candid expressions that showcase what makes your family unique and all your own. So that years later you can remember more than what you looked like but what you felt like too. 

Let’s Get to know each other

Hi, Im Serena Nicole

tell me about your family

I would love to get to know you too!

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