Motherhood sometimes feel like building a puzzle without that helpful little picture on the front of the box. The one that lets you know you are on the right track and what the puzzle will look like when it is all finished.
As my little ones have grown I have done my best to help nurture each piece of their puzzle that they will need to feel secure in who they are one day. Along the way, I have dreamed of all the possibilities of who they might become.
True nurturing, I am learning, is knowing when the puzzle pieces that I have dreamed up don’t really fit into who my boys were born to be.
The beauty in this is that if I let go and let them lead the way, they often surpass any dream I could have ever dreamed for them.

Learning the balance of letting go has been a challenge for me. One that I feel especially connected to as my babies grow into adults. The push and pull of where I still fit sweetly into their lives and where I may hinder their growth and need to let them soar on their own.
Just like in this picture of my middle Jon. He sat and contemplated about making this jump as I watched. I tried desperately not to put all of my mother angst into all that could go wrong onto him and kept quiet. I just sat and watched. What I saw was amazing. He spent several minutes thinking it through and then when he went for it, he soared, and I am happy to say that he landed nice and dry and in one piece with THE BIGGEST smile on his face. I was so, so proud of him and he was too. I think he surprised himself too.
Until Soon,
Serena Nicole
You know by now that I am passionate about storytelling with my camera. I would love, love to show you how to do the same. These were taken with my iPhone and tell an important piece of our story. What moments are you missing of your story? Come join me in class and let me show you how to turn your phone into your most powerful storyteller. CLICK HERE FOR CLASS INFORMATION